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Break My Heart...

(Warning really deep, honest, and sad poem from when I was in a dark place.)


Break my heart, its okay I’ll be there for you.

Break my trust, but I’ll never break yours…

Give me hope, then take it all away.

Why do I feel so much yet feel so numb…

Why am I always the one who cares so much, but never the one who they care for… Why I am always the one who would fight heaven and earth for you, but you’d just sit back and watch me burn… Why am I never the one, why do I care so much and always get let down…

I reach and reach for your falling body to try and save you and then you come back and drag me down.

I feel for you and cry for your pain, and you go and laugh in my face.

I thought we were different. I thought you understood. It hurt so much because I’d never do that to you.

I feel so hopeless. I feel so alone. Like I am drowning at my own funeral. Like I’m spinning in circles, this never ending cycle of my own making.

I thought I was doing better; I guess not. I just want somebody to love me the way I do them.

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