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What it's Like Living in My Mind

This excerpt from my notes app describes what it's like for me living with anxiety and depression. I have had feelings of anxiety my whole life, but depression is a little newer for me. This was going to be a song about living with anxiety, but then, I ended up writing so many different thoughts and realized how much anxiety and depression are interconnected. I decided to post this as a blog for now. These are thoughts I had in the past, currently do, and/or will in the future. It's a never ending cycle at times, but I am currently content. Please read the full thing if you want to get an idea of what it is like to live everyday overthinking, worrying, self-blaming, and depression. I think some of you may even relate, if you do, I SEE YOU. I UNDERSTAND YOU. YOU ARE VALID. IT WILL GET BETTER WITH HELP. (It's okay to ask for help. It takes strength to do that and continue to work to make your life what you want it to be.) :)

What it’s Like Living Inside my Mind:

Taking away moments with the people I love

Weird side glances made up in my head

Miss opportunities

Living with regret

Overthinking words I have said

Feeling like there’s no worth in my breath

I let my emotions control me

It’s all getting too much

I try to make things better, but somehow make it worse

No one understands

No one knows who I am

Doing things for reasons people never understand

People think I’m difficult, I’m selfish, I’m lazy, when I’m trying everything I can

I just want them to understand me

But what people think of me never compares to what my mind thinks of me

Feeling good, so I don’t go to therapy. Then, too depressed to go

No one sees me. No one sees my cries for help

I feel invisible at times

Other times, I feel I'm never enough

My overthinking on repeat

Depression and anxiety build off each other

It's like a tag team working together to bring me down

And it wins again and again

I notice every little thing

People think I’m too sensitive

I notice a change in tone, makes me look for the worst in people

I used to be optimistic, now I’m a pessimist

My past makes me not trust the love that’s right in front of me

My overthinking gets in the way of relationships and makes me overwhelmed with what could have been

Consumed with "what ifs" and "could've dones"

Loneliness, it’s unbearable at times

It’s isolating thinking no one will understand

No one can say the right thing

I can never say the right thing

It’s tiring to be in your head all day

Does anyone relate?? Is it just me? Will I ever get past it?

Always thinking about how things can go wrong

Always checking on others feelings, but never feeling understood myself

I feel other's emotions like they are my own

Replaying things in my mind over and over and never satisfied

One step forward, two steps back

Critical of myself, I can never live up to my own expectations

If I fail or feel like I have, it’s devastating

When I finally open up, I end up feeling like no one understands and feel more alone then ever

Rarely feel truly happy

Pressure on myself to make the most of everything

In between stage of life and stuck

Feel like I'm going no where

Nostalgic about past self

Depression comes no matter what I do

I let the past consume me, I’m spiraling, I’m never gonna be better

I cling to anything good in my life

It's a lifeboat

Zone out

Isolate in my own world

I live in my head more than I live in the world

It’s a comfort and a curse

Don’t know which thoughts are my own or my anxiety

Obsess over one idea

Destroys me when things don’t go my way because I don’t know if I’ll get another chance

Hate myself for ruining things

Constantly needing validation

I don’t trust myself

I trust other’s opinions over my own thoughts

Obsess over things being perfect, then give up because it never is

Avoiding things I love, knowing my own thoughts will ruin it

Easily hurt

My nights are my days

Overthinking runs my life

No one understands

I don’t understand

Regret is a daily feeling

I drink to feel something

I live in nostalgia cuz that’s when I was happy

Cycle of






Almost always in fight or flight

Everything triggers me

Just trying everything to survive

Not living

Can't live in the moment

Ruining good memories, my thoughts confusing them with bad

One moment I’m numb, the next, I want to scream to find anything to fill the loneliness I constantly feel

Why do I trust other peoples' opinions over my own? Why do I need their validation for things I know to be true?

My instinct is to go to worse case scenario

No one can put up with my catastrophizing

Self blame turns to self hatred

Makin me think things I never did before

Wanna take something to feel relief (it gets exhausting)

Wanna explain but can’t find the words

No one can say the right thing

Never in the present moment. Always overthinking about what I said, what people think, that I should enjoy the moment (it’s counterintuitive)


Avoiding things I love because I know it won’t live up

Living in my head more than the real world

Always checking my memory

*Locks the door*

“Did I lock the door?”

My mind tricks me to think I’m in this alone

Been going through this since I was a kid, so I think I can handle it

Then, my mind throws a curveball

It’s the ups and downs

I’m getting better, but I still have bad days

Those bad days are hard to see past

I think that if I have more good days than bad, that it’s a good life

When you are in a depressed state, it's daunting

When you are out of it, it's like a foggy dream that you know will return

It's okay to have these thoughts. It's what you do with them that matters.

I’m not alone

You’re not alone

We’re not alone :)

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